Our 19th Annual Cruise to SDC / End of Summer Barbeque
Sunday 29th August 2010

Rescue Boat from Clontarf Y&BC which came over to help out on the day & our newly acquired Rescue Boat - Tornado Voyager

Some of the Cruisers that sailed over to Sutton & Coast Guard Rescue came from Howth to offer their support for the occassion

Despite strong winds 11 boats braved the elements and anchored in Sutton Creek. One fearless crew made their way from Howth despite difficulty gettting out of the harbour with the northerly winds. We are very grateful to the Cruising Assocciation of Ireland led by Derek Harris who came and supported us despite encountering gusts of 30 knots in Dublin Bay as they left the Liffey after their overnight cruise up the river.
Many of our members and friends from Howth and other clubs came by road to support our event. We were also joined by 4 members of the Coastguard Team and Clontarf Rescue who have supported us on many occassions throughout the year.
As the afternoon progressed the winds died, the sun shone and everyone enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere. Over 200 people including approx 30 helpers appreciated the wonderful barbeque meal and a glass or two!
A huge thank you to all the helpers without whom this event could not happen!


Sutton Dinghy Club
Strand Road, Sutton, Dublin 13, Ireland.
Tel: +353 1 839 3135 . Email: info@sdc.ie
© Sutton Dinghy Club 2008