IDRA 14 OPEN 2010

Sutton Dinghy Club held the 2010 IDRA14 Open, this is the first time in many years that the open was held in Sutton, and the event was very successful with 17 entries.
The first day of racing consisted of 2 races back to back. The results of the first days racing were used to split the competitors into the Gold and Silver Fleet. - 7 Gold Boats and 9 Silver boats.
The second day the competitors in each fleet were assigned 2 boats other than their own in which to race. 2 races were sailed back to back in good winds despite some wind shifts.
The top 3 gold fleet results were very close with all 3 boats drawn on 6 points. Killian Sargent & Yvonne Murray got first place on 6 points with a 5th and 1st. Alan Carr & Dana Kilroy got second place on 6 points with a 4th and a 2nd. Scorie Walls and Dave Tillotson got third on 6 points with a 3rd and a 3rd. This was Killian's first time to win the open as a skipper, although as a teenager he won crewing for Jim Lambkin. The Silver Fleet was also very close with the top 3 boats level on points.



Sutton Dinghy Club
Strand Road, Sutton, Dublin 13, Ireland.
Tel: +353 1 839 3135 . Email:
© Sutton Dinghy Club 2008