lining up for their start at Sutton Dinghy Club Regatta '09
was a record turnout at Sutton Dinghy Club's Annual Regatta.
92 boats raced on Sunday in near perfect conditions. Dinghy
sailors represented the following clubs; Howth Yacht Club,
Malahide Yacht Club, Rush Sailing Club, Skerries Sailing Club,
Royal St. George Yacht Club, Royal Irish Yacht Club, Blessington
Sailing Club, Dun Laoghaire Motor Yacht Club and Sutton Dinghy
Club. Dinghy Sailing is thriving as competitors travelled
from all over to compete. Classes racing in the Bay were GP14,
Laser-all rigs, Mirror, Pico and Optimist. While 24 novice
Opi sailors raced in the creek watched and cheered by supporters
and parents alike.