2021 Sailing Events
2021 GP14 Autumn Open & Youth Championship (Sep 11/12)
Download the:
Autumn Open & Youth Championship NOR
Sailing Instructions (SI’s) HERE
The Club has a limited amount of camping available but must be pre-arranged. Those interested in camping please contact info@sdc.ie.
The Club are looking to arrange a local venue for food on Saturday evening after racing if there is sufficient interest. Can those interested please contact Andy Johnston.
Directions to Sutton and information on Dinghy, Car and Boat Trailer parking can be found on their website HERE.
Please note no cars are to be parked on the road directly outside the Club. The Club have arranged alternative car parking close by.
REMEMBER – This is 2 events combined a) The Autumn Open & b) The Youth Championships
Youth Helms can be entered in both events and must complete an Online Entry for both events if planning to race in both.
Entry will be ONLINE Entry ONLY and will be available in a couple of days.
The Autumn Open
- Click for Autumn Open Option A
- Click for Autumn Open Option B – Only if Helm & Crew are U22 on 1/1/21
The Youth Championships
- Click for Youth Championship Option A
- Click for Youth Championship Option B – Only if Helm has been entered as Helm in the Autumn Open
Disclaimer: I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and by all other rules governing this event. I, the undersigned, understand that participation in this event and in each race in this event is at the sole discretion of the competitors and at the competitor’s own risk. I agree that officers, committee members staff and volunteers of the host club and/or Irish Sailing shall not be liable to the undersigned for either loss of life or injury to participants, or for loss of or damage to property or boats incurred as a result of participation in the event. By entering this event competitors and participants and, where relevant, their parents/guardians accept that the organising Club:− may collect and use data about the competitor for organising this event. The organising Club has adopted a Data Protection Policy and may arrange for images or videos to be taken at the event both on the water and on shore. Competitors and support persons by entering give consent to the taking of such images and to the use, reuse, publication and republication of such images in any media, in conjunction with the competitor’s name or not, without compensation and without the competitor’s approval of such images or any use thereof. The images may only be used for the promotion of the event, its sponsors, the organising Club and the participating classes.
For entrants under 18 years of age on the date of the regatta, the entry must be completed by a Parent or Guardian.
COVID Guidelines and Access information
Sutton Dinghy Club operates under government Covid guidelines for outdoor sports.
For your own safety:
a) no indoor changing facilities will be made available
b) for junior participants if necessary, one essential support member is
permitted in the boat park to assist with rigging and must exit the boat
park as soon as rigging is complete
c) Face masks must be worn when not racing.
Details for car and boat parking will be available on
Further arrangements will be issued closer to the time subject to current
Government guidelines.
2020 Frostbites (TBC)
2021 All Ireland Inter-Schools (SPRING 2022)
The Club have taken the difficult decision to rearrange the 2021 Inter-Schools in Spring 2022. The actual date will be decided later in the year.
All Ireland Inter-Schools NOR, Entry Forms & Checklist will be available closer the date
Optimist Fleet Sailing Instructions
Mixed Fleet Sailing Instructions
2021 Annual Regatta (August 28th)
Download the Annual Regatta NOR
Download the Sailing Instructions (SI’s)
Read SI Amendment #1
Read SI Amendment #2
Disclaimer: I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and by all other rules governing this event. I, the undersigned, understand that participation in this event and in each race in this event is at the sole discretion of the competitors and at the competitor’s own risk. I agree that officers, committee members staff and volunteers of the host club and/or Irish Sailing shall not be liable to the undersigned for either loss of life or injury to participants, or for loss of or damage to property or boats incurred as a result of participation in the event. By entering this event competitors and participants and, where relevant, their parents/guardians accept that the organising Club:− may collect and use data about the competitor for organising this event. The organising Club has adopted a Data Protection Policy and may arrange for images or videos to be taken at the event both on the water and on shore. Competitors and support persons by entering give consent to the taking of such images and to the use, reuse, publication and republication of such images in any media, in conjunction with the competitor’s name or not, without compensation and without the competitor’s approval of such images or any use thereof. The images may only be used for the promotion of the event, its sponsors, the organising Club and the participating classes.
For entrants under 18 years of age on the date of the regatta, the entry must be completed by a Parent or Guardian who must be present at the event.
Click for Online Event Entry
Click for Single-Hander ONLINE Entry
Click for Double-Hander ONLINE Entry
Click for Novice Optimist ONLINE Entry