by SDC BLOG Master | Aug 23, 2016 | Club News, GP14
With a poor forecast, the PRO Chris Hobbins had his mark boats out on the course early resulting in an inevitable AP for an hour. It was another 2 visits before he summoned the Fleet out to the course for a start around 2pm. The conditions were wet but wind was down... by SDC BLOG Master | Aug 22, 2016 | Club News, GP14
Following a very windy and bumpy crossing early on Saturday morning, the 3 Sutton boats (Hugh & Tim, Peter & Stephen and Alan & David) met up with fellow Irish travellers Curly Morris and Shane MacCarthy. Saturday afternoon was spent unloading and... by SDC BLOG Master | Aug 16, 2016 | Club News, GP14, Laser, Optimist, Other Racing
Club Racing – Last Sunday evening we had a very decent turnout for Club racing with 6 optimists, 3 IDRA14, 3 GP14 and 2 lasers. With a late tide and overcast night PRO went for a single startline for all Classes to get 2 races complete before the light faded....