by SDC BLOG Master | Aug 21, 2015 | Club News, IDRA14, Mirror
Day 2 in Lough Ree and the Sutton Dinghy Club sailors have had a mixed bag. Despite conditions being far more agreeable than Thursday, there were still plenty of thrills and spills. Our own Charles Sargent in Smurfette ended up in the drink in 2 of the 3 races at the... by SDC BLOG Master | Aug 20, 2015 | Club News, IDRA14, Mirror
Sutton Dinghy Club sailors got the weekend of Championship racing off to a fantastic start today with race victories at both the IDRA14 National Championships in Lough Ree YC and the Mirror Nationals held in Royal Cork YC as part of Cork Dinghy Fest. In windy...