by SDCadmin | Sep 6, 2021 | Club News
Last weekend saw the latest installment of the Sutton Dinghy Club Royal Cork Yacht Club rivalry with both Senior and Junior Book Trophy on the line. Arguably the oldest dinghy team racing event cin the World, first raced in 1944 between Sutton Dinghy Club and the Cork... by SDC BLOG Master | Sep 8, 2015 | Club News, Other Racing
Sutton Dinghy club were delighted to be able to accept the invitation to take part in the inaugural Elmo Trophy, an inter-club team racing event held last week end in the Royal St George YC in memory of the late Graham Elmes. Our interest was twofold. Firstly, our... by SDC BLOG Master | Sep 24, 2014 | Club News, Other Racing
Last Sunday, after a gap of 8 years the junior sailors from Sutton Dinghy Club and Royal Cork YC got to team race for a very special prize. The ‘Junior Book Trophy’, first raced for in 1980, is a junior version of the ‘Book Trophy’, raced...