I just said I would send a note to all members, parents and friends to say a ‘big thank you’ to everyone who assisted and contributed to organizing and running the All Ireland Inter-schools event last weekend.
Despite the rain the event was a super success with most of the competitors thriving in the surfing conditions thrown up by a force 3-4 wind from the south east.
This event has a great legacy dating back 40 years and is as popular as ever with competitors and supporters alike. Both the Nolan and O’Tiarnaigh families indicated to me that they are delighted to see that the tradition of the event living on in Sutton Dinghy Club.
This year we had 90 dinghies and 22 schools teams.
The event is the largest undertaking that the Club takes on each year. It requires considerable input from across the full range of organisational tasks. So wherever you helped be it in catering, registration, entries, results, rescue, mark laying, race management, launching/ retrieving, onshore management, protests, club preparation, web updates, traffic management, prizes or whatever, I can assure you it is much appreciated. We are also very grateful for the assistance we received in running this event from neighbouring sailing clubs.
Again many thanks.
Jim Lambkin
(Commodore, Sutton Dinghy Club)
16th September, 2015
[whohit]-2015 Inter-Schools Thank You-[/whohit]