Its January, were into the new year and all our thoughts are turning towards the coming season and planning your summertime activity and we hope that includes sailing at Sutton Dinghy Club.

It is also Membership Renewal time again and we invite you to renew your membership through our website in the links provided below. Boat-Parking fees also need to be paid  at this time. If you have already paid your renewal fee, thank you.

The dates for our 2025 3 week Junior Member training courses will be published on the Club website in the next couple of days and we will be opening the booking system for those courses hopefully the second week of February and like last year, bookings will be processed and places allocated in order of receipt IF Membership and Boat-Parking renewal fees have been received. The Club Course booking links will ONLY be made available to those who have renewed their membership.

‘Membership Renewals must be completed prior to booking a Club Course place’

Please Do NOT share Course Booking Links – If a course booking is made (through a shared link) and membership fees have not been submitted then the course booking will go to the back of the queue until such time as all fees have been paid. Apologies, but we have had to introduce this process due to the demand for Club courses.

There have been a lot of course inquiries to date and we wish to advise all members that last years members will have first choice and new members this year (2025) will then get an opportunity to choose courses.

General Committee