by SDC BLOG Master | Oct 7, 2013 | Laser, Mirror, Optimist, Other Racing
The weather gods looked kindly on the 38th All Ireland Inter-Schools Sailing this weekend and for the first time in 3 years we got racing on the second day. Previous years we had either a feast or a famine when it came to wind on the Sunday but race day 2 arrived with... by SDC BLOG Master | Aug 17, 2013 | IDRA14, Optimist
Far better conditions met the Optimist sailors in Dun Laoghaire yesterday with decent breeze and brighter weather than the dismal opening day. With forecast for Saturday not so great 3 races were the order of the day. The SDC news was that Dylan McEvoy moved himself... by SDC BLOG Master | Jul 14, 2013 | Optimist
For the 70 boats involved, the second day of the Crosbie Cup here in Sutton Dinghy Club didn’t disappoint. More glorious sunshine and with a little more breeze than Saturday meant both fleets got 3 races in without any problems for the race management teams. The extra...