by SDC BLOG Master | Aug 26, 2016 | Club News
Last nights celebrations in Dun Laoghaire for Annalise Murphy proved to be a great night. Our Junior Affairs Officer Mandy Kelly brought 14 of the SDC Juniors across in Ribs to see the floating parade in Dun Laoghaire Harbour and the gathering in the Peoples Park.... by SDC BLOG Master | Aug 19, 2013 | Optimist
While not as windy as Saturday, the final day of the 2013 Optimist Nationals was completed in a fresh 15 knots and gusting breeze with plenty of bright sunshine and top spots up for grabs in each fleet. With this being their first major event, the week had been about... by SDC BLOG Master | Aug 18, 2013 | IDRA14, Optimist
Following a 3 hour postponement for high winds the Senior and Junior fleets launched with 17 knots and gusts up to 23 knots. With Dylan McEvoy now in Junior fleet all the Sutton Dinghy Club participants were on the water. Still in their first major event both Rory...